
June 30, 2019

Instant Tapioca Kheer

"Do you remember
When we fell in love
We were so young and innocent then
Do you remember
How it all began
It just seemed like heaven so why did it end?"

This first verse from the song, Remember the time by Michael Jackson is exactly how I feel when I think about the wonderful taste of kheer (payasam/pudding). It takes me back to my childhood when everything was simple and sweet. 

Back then, I didn't know I had an issue with regular milk. That's why I am so glad that my mom made it for me again after all this time with Lactaid milk. Same great taste. 

- 1/2 cup of mini sabudana (tapioca pearls/balls), soaked in 1 cup of water for 2 to 3 hours. 
- 2-1/2 cups Lactaid milk (regular milk can be used as well)
- 1/2 cup water
- 1/2 cup plain sugar
- 3 to 4 cardamom pods, seeded and powdered

Transfer the soaked Sabudana into a non-stick saucepan, add water and heat on low, stirring intermittently until it starts bubbling and the pearls turn transparent. Add milk and cardamom powder and continue to cook until it thickens somewhat. Now add sugar, mix well for 1 minute and remove from heat. The kheer or pudding may look slightly runny but it will thicken in time. Serve hot.

Quick Tips & Facts
- Milk amount can vary depending upon the desired consistency of the kheer. 
- A cup of sabudana or tapioca pearls has about 1.5 grams of dietary fiber. 

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