
March 3, 2017

Comfort Food Series: Vegetable Paneer Biryani with Tomato and Onion Raita

Don't you wish your biryani was hot like mine? Don't ya!! 

April showers, brings May flowers, right?? Except it's not April and when it pours, it cats and dogs!! 

We were shopping in Bed, Bath and Beyond on Saturday when I heard thunder from inside the store. That was the day I decided not to wear jacket because it was so nice outside. What was I thinking? 

As we made our way to the front of the store, I could see that the sky was turning navy blue and it just poured. We paid for our stuff, raced to the car and went straight home without going anywhere else. :(

No where to go, we decided to lighten up the mood and cook something special for dinner that night. And she was in the mood for BIRYANI!!! 

The biryani I made (while my mother supervised) is similar to Pineapple Paneer Biryani except this time there was no pineapple, so we added cauliflower. Same great taste. 

I enjoyed the fruits of cooking labor with freshly made with Tomato and Onion Raita (yogurt dip) which is so easy to make and it's so refreshing. Check out recipe below:

Tomato and Onion Raita

I funneled my inner Emeril Lagasse when I made the raita. I put my knife skills to work and finely chopped two ripe and firm plum tomatoes as well as half medium onion. I transferred them into a bowl and then came the wet ingredients: 1/4 cup of sour cream and 3/4 cup of plain yogurt. Mix the ingredients without mushing everything. 

Next add 1/2 teaspoon of salt for taste and BAM!!! I sprinkled a dash of mint that I crushed myself. Mint makes everything so refreshing. 

I put a dollop of the tomato and onion raita right on top of my hot biryani and ate it with a big smile on my face. I CAN COOK BABY!! 

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