
September 16, 2016

Quick and Easy Chinese Bitter Melon Chutney

This summer, we've been pampered with all the vegetables my friend's mom has been giving me from her garden. Every time I visit, she gives oodles of Chinese bitter melon, Asian melon, and peppers. She gave us so many that we've been making all sorts of dishes with them including the Chinese Bitter Melon Stir Fry I posted a few weeks back. 

This time we let the bitter melon ripen to yellowish color and use them to make chutney to eat with rice. WE LOVE RICE!!

Below is the recipe for this Chinese Bitter Melon Chutney. Check it out and let us know what you think. 

- 2 large and ripe Chinese Karela or Chinese Bitter melon, chopped
- 1 medium onion, chopped
- 3 to 4 garlic cloves, sliced
- 2 Tbsp chutney powder
- 2 Tbsp dry coconut powder
- 1 tsp tamarind paste (or walnut size of tamarind, soaked in water)
- 1 to 1-1/2 Tbsp brown sugar
- 1 tsp salt (or as per your taste)
- 1 to 1-1/2 Tbsp vegetable oil

Heat oil in a medium saucepan and saute onions and garlic for 2 minutes until onions are translucent. Then add the bitter melon and salt, saute for an additional 5 to 6 minutes or until the bitter melon is cooked. Allow it to cool. In a blender, add the sauteed bitter melon, and the remaining ingredients and grind to smooth consistency. Adjust the salt as per your taste.

The Chinese Bitter Melon Chutney is ready to be enjoyed with your favorite rice or roti. Bona Appetit!!

Hope you enjoyed our Bitter Melon recipes. Check out our recipes page for more delightful and easy dish ideas. How do you enjoy this not so bitter and healthy vegetable? Feel free to share. 

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