
June 16, 2013

Happy Fathers Day!!

To the smartest person I know...

What can I say about my dad besides that he's really smart and overall a cool guy. He's devoted to his family and work, passionate about the sciences, mathematics and literary works, and not bad in the kitchen either. You have to try his famous cauliflower curry!  
Today's special was Pesarattu dosa (made with whole moong) served with ginger and coriander chutney and dahi wada; two of his favorite dishes. Both of these dishes are high in protein and we know how much he loves his protein. For dessert, we ate cheese pastries from Au Bon Pain and they are really delicious. After such a heavy meal, we all took a nap and ended the night watching To Kill A Mockingbird (1968). 

How did you celebrate Fathers Day? We would love to hear from you!

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