
August 25, 2011

How To Awaken The Senses In This Weather...

With all the wet weather we've been having, my mood has been taking a big hit. I should be thankful to Mother Nature for gracing us with so much rain but enough is enough. We've seen more rain than sun these past couple of weeks. Anyways, I didn't let this weather get me down, NO SIR!! My mom bought this tea on my aunt's recommendation and this afternoon was the perfect time to try it out.

Hot Tea + Wet Weather = Perfect for Relaxed and Refreshed Mood!

It's the perfect blend of cardamom and black tea to awaken the senses. I like drinking my tea without milk, so with each sip I was engulfed with so much aroma and flavor that I forgot where I was. I started reminiscing about my trip to Kerala where I was surrounded by hills covered in tea plantations and woke up every morning with the sweet aroma of tea. It was the perfect start to the day and set the mood for an enjoyable time. Then I was back in my arm chair finishing the last drop of my tea. Alas, it was nice while it lasted, I will cherish these few moments of Zen.

Quick Tips: This tea is available at most Indian stores; I bought mine at the local Indian grocer.


  1. John Inderdohnen9/03/2011

    Per your recommendation I bought this tea yesterday at the Indian grocery. I had it this morning with a little sugar and half & half. Very delicious!

  2. If you cannot find the exact blend in a store near you, you can make your own mix: grab a couple of pods of cardamom, shell and crush the seeds in a pestile (or with a spoon). Boil water and when you add the tea bag, toss in the crushed seeds and let steep. Add milk and sugar to taste.
    I've sometimes kicked it up with adding a tiny piece of solid cinnamon while steeping :)


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